at the very least this could also be used to flesh out the lore of who Gaab'Baay is.That being said, there are some things about the paragon system in Diablo 3 that I really like. It's definitely possible to tie the scroll of omnipotence here, although I imagine the functionality for this already exists in game. Another option would be for the Solar to "purify" the artifacts, creating duplicates that grant luck/fate instead of curse doom, but that is more work for little gain - in that case you would need to wear the order crown + amulet with ToRR to enter. The prerequisite for entering the gate successfully as a Paragon is completing the above quest line (weakining the strength of chaos denizens by sacrificing their artifacts), wield the ToRR (from a crumbled scroll from an emperor moloch in the Ultimate Dungeon, or from completing the Filk -> scintillating quest), and wear the platinum girdle.

#Paragon game forums series
In the Heavenly Area, the seraphim of order will give a series of quests to retrieve artifacts containing the essence of chaos - the Scepter of Chaos, Crown of Chaos, and Medal of Chaos.From this point forward must maintain paragon status

Attain Paragon Status and close the chaos gate.I don't think anyone can argue that a paragon is easy, but going for a Paragon ultra would be an added challenge and in my mind have the following flow: I've thought about a few ideas for fleshing out requirements to allow for a pure Lawful/Paragon play through that gives access to the ultra/endgame content. I didn't try but I think technically you could reach the emperor moloch through kill Filk quest so at least you could do that (and get the ToRR) I recently went for a Paragon of Order playthrough and while I loved the difficulty compared to an ultra character usually steamrolling everything towards the end, but it seemed anti-climatic for a paragon of order not only unable to fight Andy, but also unable to cleanse the land from chaos more (keriax, supreme balor) due to a few minuscule chaotic acts being required to gain access to those areas. I love ADOM (probably my most played game ever) and I love playing challenge games - I almost exclusively go for ultra endings as it gives a finality to the game of defeating the chaos god.